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Navigating the healthcare system doesn’t have to be a headache. All indipop plans include a level of service that most of our members have never known possible before indipop.

indipop Essential + HSA Group

Powered by MPB Health

Why people love this plan:

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  • Monthly Cost
  • Annual Deductible
  • Plan Benefits
  • Benefit Guidelines

Monthly Cost

  • 3 or more in a group
  • Minimum contribution $0

Monthly membership starts at $275 for individuals. 
For self-employed individuals with verifiable 1099 or business ID, in order to avoid tax penalties.

Annual IUA- Initial Unshareable Amount

You have the choice of selecting $1000, $2500 and $5000 per major medical need.  This is the amount the member would be responsible for a major medical need up  3 IUA’s/year.

Example: if you have an emergency appendectomy you will be responsible for $1,000 out of pocket if you chose the $1,000 IUA in your plan. 

Plan Benefits

In 3 minutes you can have great healthcare.

indipop Complete Group

Powered by MPB Health

Why people love this plan:

Use the tabs to review rates, benefits and guidelines.

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  • Monthly Cost
  • Annual Deductible
  • Plan Benefits
  • Benefit Guidelines

Monthly Cost


  • 2 or more in a group
  • 50% of employee participation
  • Minimum Contribution –
    50% of employee only 
  • 20+ members pre-existing exclusions exempt
Monthly Cost
Member Only
Employee Only$415
Employee and Spouse$820
Employee and Child(ren)$850
Employee and Family$1,200

Annual Deductible

Hospital Care – Inpatient & Outpatient 

$2,000 initial member responsibility 20% co-share | $4,000 out-of-pocket max

$4,000 initial member responsibility 20% co-share | $6,000 out-of-pocket max

Emergency Room   
$500 initial member responsibility + 20% co-share

Plan Benefits

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