Adulting 101: 401ks, what they are, who they’re for and what to look for.

Adulting 101: 401ks, what they are, who they’re for and what to look for.

Hi friends,  I’m about 99.9% sure that every person reading this has heard of a 401k or at the very least, has been told: “Start young, you’ll thank yourself later!”. Ah yes, the age old phrase we’ve heard every time retirement comes up. Surely if every adult is saying the same thing they can’t be…

Are Healthshares Legitimate?
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Are Healthshares Legitimate?

Just because it doesn’t have the word insurance doesn’t mean it’s not health care. Even though healthshares aren’t mainstream yet, they have seen rapid growth due to the rising cost of healthcare. Over the past several decades, the cost of healthcare has drastically increased. For many families and the self-employed who do not obtain insurance…