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Adulting 101: 401ks, what they are, who they’re for and what to look for.

Hi friends, 

I’m about 99.9% sure that every person reading this has heard of a 401k or at the very least, has been told: “Start young, you’ll thank yourself later!”. Ah yes, the age old phrase we’ve heard every time retirement comes up. Surely if every adult is saying the same thing they can’t be wrong, right? 

Well friends, I had the pleasure of interviewing the founder and CEO of Penelope 401k, Jean Smart. As a former Wall Street executive and financial services expert for over 20 years, she was able to give me some great advice. As she explains, “retirement in your 20’s seems inconceivable. The idea is to start now, little by little.” Let’s dive in. 

What is a 401k?

A 401k is a retirement savings account. In this account you contribute a percentage of your wage which is then invested. This account follows you throughout your life and funds are available for withdrawal when you hit your retirement age. 

According to Smart, when you sign up for your company’s plan there will be a few key benefits to look for to make sure that contributing is right for you. 

  1. Your Salary: Does it allow you to make contributions and still live off your paycheck?
  2. Employer matching: Does your company match your retirement savings? If so, what’s the match rate?
  3. Fees: Depending on how your 401k is set up fees may vary. The main question you want to ask is who pays 401k fees? You or your employer? If you’re responsible, how much are they?
  4. Investment opportunities: Some employer sponsored plans will choose an investment opportunity for you while others will offer a choice. 
  5. Projected growth: At what rate will this grow and what is my projected return?

Often when this is offered you have the option to select a traditional 401k or a Roth IRA. What’s the difference? The short answer: the taxes. 

A traditional 401k is taxed when withdrawn.
A Roth 401k is taxed first and withdrawn tax free.

Some other differences may include who it’s offered by and investment opportunities. The decision of 401k vs Roth IRA is very personal and dependent on what’s offered, your state and income. It is always recommended to do your own research and ask questions when considering your retirement options, however one helpful tip shared with me is “when you are younger it may be better to go with a Roth IRA and pay the taxes now.” 

Is there anyone who shouldn’t contribute? 

This will be a very personal question to answer since almost always deciding if this is right for you will be dependent on your specific situation. While for those who simply don’t have the funds or whose employer won’t match may choose to forgo the 401k for now, It’s almost always best to save up those dollars and pennies for as long as you can. According to smart “401ks are one of the only ways left to get free money in this economy” – and who couldn’t use free money?

Does the economy impact a 401k? 

Like any other investment, 401k’s will fluctuate over time. When asked about the impact and repercussions of the economy on a 401k, Smart considers this question to be a “moot point”. She explains that the economy will always ebb and flow so saving for your retirement shouldn’t be a matter of the current state of our economy but rather a state of our personal finances and retirement plans. 

If I leave my job do I still have access to my 401k? 

Yes! You have multiple options to continue growing this account. You can keep it at your previous employer or sell and repurchase to roll it over into a new Roth IRA or Employer sponsored 401k. 

So, is a 401k right for you? The only person who can answer this question is you yourself (or maybe your financial advisor). Always do your best to stay well informed and you can handle any 401k questions that come your way. While you research, feel free to check out indipop’s partner Penelope 401k, they may have the retirement plan that’s right for you. Super easy to get started and if you enroll though indipop you can save up to $875. Penelope takes care of compliance testing, annual reporting to the IRS, and serves as your digital record keeper.

From all of us here at indipop, we wish you the healthiest and wealthiest of lives. Keep adulting out there. 


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