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Blue Cross Blue Shield Vs. indipop

Problems with Blue Cross Blue Shield

Like any large organization, there are issues and complaints about Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS). Everything from lack of coverage for lifesaving medications to preapprovals for necessary treatment exists in the complaints levied against BCBS. Additionally, some providers or specialists may not be covered by a policyholder’s specific plan or tier, which can mean obtaining the necessary treatment may include traveling miles away.

Because Blue Cross Blue Shield operates as an organization of independent operators, the consumer experience can vary widely. This lack of consistency can lead to a great deal of frustration.

Due to the corporate environment of BCBS, policyholders are viewed as little more than member IDs. There is a severe lack of personal attention among such large corporations. Plans are complex and hard to understand since there are so many different options. In addition, different plans have different tiers of coverage. Due to that, the premiums can be extremely high. Some policyholders may also find it difficult to get clear and accurate information about their coverage which can lead to confusion.

What is indipop?

indipop plans do not function like traditional insurance, but they still keep you healthy and safe. Instead of a premium and deductible, you become a member of the “community” that shares the cost of medical needs. These plans are also known as healthshares, membership, and cost-sharing.

indipop is different from traditional insurance in that rates are not based on employment status earnings. Giving freedom to a population of people who are on their own for healthcare ie; contractors, freelancers, and small business owners. Consumers can choose from a wide variety of plans including supplemental plans for their specific needs. The plans work the same from state to state making them portable for those that spend time in different cities and offering another option for employers who hire across the US, it is reassuring to know the plan will work the same for those team members whether they are in Nashville or Miami.

The average savings is 20-70% compared to traditional insurance plans. Families save the most with the average premium of families over $1500/mo and deductibles ranging from $6,000-$16,000 indipop has several options all under $899/mo and an annual pocket of $3,000 for the family.

If a medical emergency arises you do not have to worry if your surgeon on call is in a “network”.  The plans offered through indipop all have a set amount, typically $1,000.  This is sometimes known as an MRA, Member Responsibility Amount or IUA, Initial Unshareable Amount, this is a transparent fee that the patient will owe for the medical need. All indipop plans also offer maternity under $4,000 including pre and post-natal care.

One other difference between indipop plans and traditional insurance is that you always have set transparent pricing. With indipop plans, there is an open network and set rates for medical needs with transparent pricing. This ensures you don’t have to worry about networks and what surgeon, hospital, or anesthesiologist is on call, you know exactly what you will owe.

And another difference:

You do not have to pay your deductible again for the same medical need.

For example, if you break your leg in December, you will typically owe (depending on your plan) $1000 for the entire medical need. When January of the following year starts you DO NOT need to pay the $1000 again, most likely you will be in physical therapy at that point, and this is included in the $1000! With conventional insurance, your deductible starts over the following year regardless if you are still being treated for the same broken leg.

What indipop does

In addition to the benefits above, membership plans through indipop offer direct access to on-demand providers via text, phone, and telehealth appointments. All the plans indipop offers have a medical advocacy, concierge, or care logistics team ensuring you have access to care 24/7 care and are not alone in trying to navigate a massive healthcare industry.

indipop has 3 major medical and hospitalization plans with easy access to receive a quote and enrolling online can be completed in 3 minutes.  Additional Health Plans that offer group options, 3 supplemental options for vision and dental, on-demand care, and a discounted medication program, can be added to any insurance product.


Compare Family Plans BCBS indipop
Monthly Cost Average $1500/mo-$2500/mo The average family plan is $405-$899/mo
Deductible $9,500 per family for participating providers. Set transparent prices.
Redirect Health $3,000 annually, for a surgery or procedure it is a set rate of $1000, that is the max you will pay. It includes follow-up care, and $3,000 worth of Physical Therapy if, for example, you broke your leg.
Annual max out-of-pocket is $17,500 per family for participating providers. Could be as high as $23,000 for out-of-network providers. Redirect annual out-of-pocket $3,000
Copayments Copayments for certain services, premiums, and health care may not be covered.
In-network providers may have a set copay for primary care and specialist visits, there may be a cap on how many visits.Even though you pay these expenses, they don’t count toward the out-of-pocket limit.
All eligible out-of-pocket expenses such as dermatologist copay COUNT toward your $3,000 max.
Availability Benefits may be restricted by city and state. All 50 states with the same benefits from state to state
Annual Wellness Included in the plan for screenings and immunizations.  No waiting period for mammograms or colonoscopies if age appropriate. Included in the plan for screenings and immunizations.  No waiting period for mammograms or colonoscopies if age appropriate.
Surgery Outpatient Hospital: 20% coinsurance; deductible does not apply, Either you will pay 20% of the hospital bill capped at your max out-of-pocket which is $17,500, or the deductible of $9,500.

Plus there are Physician/surgeon fees and 20% coinsurance if not in network

Redirect Heath– $1000 and it doesn’t matter what network  your anesthesiologist is in while in the care of the hospital.
ER Visit Facility Fee: $400/visit; deductible does not apply Physician Fee: No Charge; deductible does not apply Redirect Health– the max for an ER visit is $1000 no matter what testing is done.

Member personal story, a member went to the ER, and the claim went directly to Redirect, 2 months later the member received a bill of $380.  They called Redirect and asked, “is this my final bill.” They said, “no, we got it down to $285!”

Urgent Care $45/visit; deductible does not apply

to your receipt, they reimbursed me $150 for my urgent care visit.

Redirect Health – if you coordinate care with them first before running to Urgent Care they will negotiate the rate after the visit and uploads the receipt for reimbursement.
Prescriptions Tiers of rates for generic and brand name medications. Redirect Health-  depending on the Rx they try and obtain the medication as close to $0, They have a dedicated medical advocate to work with you to find the Rx at the lowest cost.
Mental Health Office Visit: $45/visit; deductible does not apply

Other Outpatient Services: No

Partial Hospitalization: No

Psychological Testing: No

Redirect Health offers unlimited virtual visits with a licensed therapist.
Maternity 30% coinsurance; deductible does not apply, Childbirth/delivery facility services 30% co-insurance services. Redirect Health $2000 for pre and postnatal care including delivery. $5,000 for a cesarean birth.

Contact indipop today to find the perfect healthshare plan for you!

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